
Mental Health & Suicide Prevention On-Demand Series

The mental health and well-being of our workforce is essential in order for the construction industry to thrive in our state. As such, AGC of California has developed four on-demand sessions in a new Mental Health & Workforce Wellbeing Series to provide resources, training, and raise awareness for mental health concerns, suicide prevention measures, and substance use disorders.

Virtual Training

This Toolkit is On-Demand

This toolkit will be hosted at https://lms.on-demand.academy/. Use your AGC/Atlas Login credentials in order to access your training courses. If you do not have AGC/Atlas Login credentials, please create an account in  https://lms.on-demand.academy/ using the same email address you used when purchasing the course to access the content.

It may take up to 45 minutes for your course to be ready and enrolled.

Contact training@agc-ca.org if you have questions or require assistance.


Session 1: Creating a Culture of Caring: Suicide Prevention in Construction

Mental health is an invisible crisis in construction. Before the pandemic, construction had issues with mental health, substance misuse, and suicide. The uncertainty of COVID-19 created major stress, anxiety, and worries among workers and their families. Nationally in the construction industry, more workers die annually by suicide than by all occupational injuries combined.

Learn how a culture of caring and well-being can reduce the serious risks of substance misuse and suicide.  This session focuses on WHY these topics are imperative for construction leaders at all levels. Learn what you and your organization can do to help promote mental well-being and reduce the risk of suicide among your workforce and our industry.


Session 2: When & How to Talk to Construction Workers About Suicide Prevention (CSDZ)

This session focuses on when AND how to talk to construction workers about behavioral health. This will help your organization break the stigma around mental health. The session will highlight 12 specific opportunities to talk to construction workers about mental wellbeing, substance use disorders, Employee Assistance Program, and suicide prevention. The session will include an overview of the LEARN Saves Lives®model for engaging workers in discussion around suicide prevention.


Session 3: Suicide Prevention & Recovery: Impacts & Resources

The construction industry has one of the highest suicide and opioid overdose rates among all industries. The reasons are complicated. This webinar, in collaboration with the Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America and sponsored by AGC of California, will spotlight the impact that suicides, mental health disorders, and substance use have on the trades. Participants will take away resources and examples of what stakeholders can do to support workers and keep them safe in a dynamic environment.


Session 4: Spotlight on Mental Health in Construction – What the 2021 Industry Survey Revealed

Join us to review the national survey on Mental Health in Construction undertaken by the Center for Workplace Mental Health and three co-sponsoring organizations.

The mental health and well-being of workers and families have been substantially affected by stress, anxiety, depression, and substance misuse during the pandemic.  Mental health is top of mind for a majority of leaders in all industries.  This is true of the construction industry. Review the major findings and recommendations from the 2021 Mental Health in Construction Survey.

  • Learn how to counter the stigma surrounding mental health in your company.
  • Learn strategies to help administrative and craft workers seek support for mental health concerns.
  • Understand how to communicate and address mental health in the workplace and on job sites.

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