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Explore Resources

Labor Relations Services

The AGC Labor Relations team provides comprehensive services to meet the needs of California contractors.

Labor Relations North

Log in to download labor bulletins, master labor agreements, and more for the Northern Region of California:

Northern Region Login

Labor Relations South

Log in to download labor bulletins, master labor agreements, and more for the Northern Region of California:

Southern Region Login

Regulatory Guidance

Keep these resources at your fingertips, to stay informed and in compliance.

Skilled & Trained Workforce Requirements

Get the latest information related to apprenticeship and journeyman programs.

Union Directory

Union contractors council and labor relations union directory.

Mental Health Initiative

This initiative is aimed at increasing awareness around mental health issues, and providing resources, guidance, training, and more to support the overall wellbeing of staff at construction companies throughout the state and nation.

HR Forum

This is a space for contractors to learn, exchange ideas, and engage around California employment law and regulatory requirements, benefits, recruitment, best practices, legal concerns, and more.

2025 Legacy Sponsors