Money-Saving Custom Plans
Cover your employees with money-saving custom plans designed for contractors.

If you would like flexibility in your company’s employee benefit plan, look to AGC of California Employers’ Health Program and its Affinity Partner – The Contractors Plan for options.
Our plans offer a unique feature – customization – begin by choosing the combination of plans that is best suited to meet the needs of your company and those of your employees. You can choose to participate in any of the individual plans. You can select medical coverage only, and your employees can each select the individual medical plan which best suits both their needs and budget. All medical plans provide comprehensive coverage and costs vary based on the degree of managed care offered.
Employers Health Plan
The AGC Employers’ Health Program is a tax exempt employee benefit plan. The program complies with all rules and regulations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). As required by law, each provider maintains its own appeals process. For example, you can appeal the denial of medical services or benefits directly to WHA or Kaiser. Under a federal law call the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA for short, you may continue your health care coverage provided by your employer when coverage would otherwise end. Coverage is for a temporary period. The Administrators of the AGC Employers’ Health Plan administer COBRA coverage for participating employers. Contact the Administrative Office or your employer for details.
Contact Information
Rob Ford
Ames-Grenz Insurance Services
Phone: (916) 486-2900
Fax: (916) 486-4936
The Contractor’s Plan
The AGC of California has partnered with The Contractors Plan because of the numerous benefits and services we provide for contractors and their employees. The Contractors Plan makes it easy to design a complete solution that reduces a contractor’s work load and keeps you compliant with the Affordable Care Act and other local, state and federal laws. For more information, visit
Contact Information
Phone: (855) 481-9643
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